tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jul 15 00:53:16 2003

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Re: Is the language too bound for its own good?

In a message dated 7/14/2003 8:45:17 AM Central Standard Time, 
[email protected] writes:

> Well, I've been pushing for more material since we did HAMLET. And in fact 
> we are moving forward. If you're serious in your belief then get onboard one 
> of the various projects and contribute to the effort rather than just grumble 
> or talk about what should be done. The KLI already provides the structure 
> for plenty of work to be done, so as to avoid individuals wasting their 
> energies reinventing the wheel or duplicating one another's efforts. We have people 
> working on translations of Shakespeare and Beowulf and the Tao Te Ching and 
> the works of E.A. Poe, and more besides, and as they come to completion we'll 
> publish them as books. We have people writing original fiction and poetry in 
> Klingon, and we publish these in the issues of jatmey. d'Armond and others 
> have been working on a commercial Klingon textbook, and when that's finished 
> we'll publish it as well. 

Now I have been throwing this one around and everybody I have asked about it 
agrees, the KLI and other participants should get together with Paramount, and 
Okrand, throw up a pow-wow so-to-speak, and come up with a full length motion 
picture completely in tlhIngan Hol.  It can be released straight to video, if 
the theaters don't want it (and I wouldn't blame them if they didn't).  The 
movie in dvd format could include a menu of subtitles to include all of the 
major terran languages as well as tlhIngan Hol and the piQad.  One complaint I 
hear a lot, and I share, is that the average speaker does not get to hear the 
language spoken enough.  This leads to a great deal of questions pertaining to 
proper pronunciation.  
       I love the parts of the Star Trek pictures or episodes that include 
tlhIngan Hol, but the actors often times seem to not care as much as we do to 
the proper pronunciation.  What fun would it be to watch a movie of significant 
length and hear the true richness of the warrior tongue.  Perhaps KLI could 
look into the budget requirements and look to members, friends, and businesses 
to invest and finance such a picture.  Who knows, it may even win an academy 
award for Best Foreign Film!
-veS joH

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