tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Nov 14 23:10:45 1998

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RE: searching for thlIngan word

lab QaneS:

> I have looked through all the scources at my disposal, and I cannaot
> find the thlIngan word for glory. Can someone out there please help?

What *exactly* do you mean by "glory"? Do you mean the respect earned from
others after a great achievement, such as a battle? The feeling you yourself
derive from the achievement? Something intrinsic in the achievement itself?

Translation is not a simple one to one deal. Simple, concrete words like
"chair" or "walk" usually (not always) do have a straightforward equivalent
in the other language, but more complex or abstract words like "have" or
"love" often do not.

A language is a way to express ideas, and every language has a different set
of tools to do it. One of the really wonderful things about learning another
language is that it makes you look at grammar and vocabulary in *both*
languages and think about how they really work and what they really mean.

If you are interested in an idea that you would use the word "glory" to
express in English, describe that *idea*; don't get hung up on the words.
Feel free to ask for help (in the form of a KLBC message) if you are stuck -
that's what I'm here for. If you can include some context, I am sure I can
help you find a suitable phrase.

Beginners' Grammarian

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