tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Mar 20 20:06:31 1998

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Re: KLBC - Skin

At 17:34 98-03-17 -0800, Voragh wrote:
}: I noticed two different works for skin.
}:    Dir and Surgh
}: I understand that there can be more than one word with the same meaning, 
}: but is (or has) there been any information as to the distinction between 
}: these two works?
}: Ken
}: Kalos/qeyloS
}Taking his life into his hands, Voragh dares to reply before Qov has seen
}this...  (Actually, we were discussing {DIr} just last week on
}news.startrek.klingon (or was it .expertforum?) and the discussion is fresh
}in my mind.)
}{Surgh} is the verb "skin" (never used in canon), while {DIr} is the noun
}whose plural (we learn from KGT) seems to be {DIrmey}, not {*DIrDu'} as one
}might expect from other body parts.  FWIW, on MSN {DIr} was defined as "The
}epidermal covering of most humanoids."  A related word in KGT is {veDDIr}
}"pelt (skin with fur still attached)" - what you get when you skin {Surgh} a
}furry animal, like a targ.

Good answer, Voragh.  I believe that there is an edition of pojwI' that has
an error on Surgh/DIr.  Perhaps this is the source of the question.

Qov     [email protected]
Beginners' Grammarian                 

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