tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jun 30 18:58:26 1998

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Re: KLBC - pach puqloD

ja'pu' Qov:
>Also remember that ghItlh refers to the physical act of making marks
>and qon to the mental effort of composing.  I'd say {bIghItlhchu'} if
>you made no typos and {bIqonchu'} if you made no grammatical errors.

ja' SuStel:
>I don't think it works quite like that.  {qon} certainly does work where we
>say "compose," but its literal meaning is still "record."  To me,
>{bIqonchu'} means you copied something flawlessly, whether it be a normal
>item, or from that nebulous place from which songs come.  If you make a
>grammatical error in *songwriting* or *storytelling* (but not in just any
>written composition), {bIqonchu'} may work, and flawed songs (including
>those with grammatical errors) might exist in that place of songs, and may
>be recorded.

Qov qech vIparHa' jIH.  mu' ghItlhlu'meH, qech qonnISlu'.

I've got to agree with Qov here.  It's the *idea* that's being recorded in
words here.  {qonchu'} says to me that the idea was rendered accurately.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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