tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jun 30 18:58:53 1998

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Re: List of Klingon fauna

mujang peHruS:
><< Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam.  nuqDaq 'oH <-meH> nach'e'?
> SISchugh, bIyIQchoH.  nuq 'oH <-chugh> nach'e'?
> nenlu'pa', quvnISlu'.  <-pa'> nach Dalegh'a'?
> jIHub'eghrupmo' jISuvvIpbe'.  <-mo'> nach vItu'be'.
> maSoppu'DI' maja'chuq.  <-DI'> nach Dangu'laH'a'? >>
>wa':  -lu'
>cha:  bI-
>wej:  -lu'
>loS:  jI-
>vagh:  ma-

nuqjatlh?  jaS <nach> mayajbejqu' jay'!  chay' mu'vam Dalo' SoH?

What are *you* thinking of when you use the word {nach}?  We refer to
"head nouns" of relative clauses.  Relative clauses in Klingon have the
suffix {-bogh} on the verb.  They have a head noun because the clause
is used as a noun in a sentence, and the head noun is the noun being
described by the clause.  Other subordinate clauses do not have anything
like a "head noun"; the entire phrase is being used to supplement the
meaning of the main verb.

In any case, {bI-} and {jI-} and {ma-} are prefixes identifying the
person of the subject and object.  They are not nouns, and I can't see
calling them "heads" of anything.  And there's absolutely no way I can
accept {-lu'} as a "head"; it specifically *denies* the existence of a
definite subject, and in the examples I gave, there's no object either.

Forgive my going on so strongly and at such length here.  It just hits
one of my buttons when someone misstates a point of grammar so badly,

-- ghunchu'wI'

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