tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jun 02 14:06:56 1998

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Re: What's in a Name (was: Beginner's questions)

: > and I may switch. The Battle of Kursk (Germans vs Russians in WW II)
was the
: > largest tank battle in history, maybe the largest battle of any kind in
: > history. Everything about the battle was massive, violent, desperate,
: > ect. The soldiers, on both sides, fought beyond the limits of endurance on
: > nothing but guts, pride, honor and duty. 
: > Anyway, I was thinking of naming myself after the battle. Would you have
: > suggestions on how to convert this name into tlhIngan Hol? Maybe qurs'H or
: > Qursq?
: > qronaH (for now anyway)
: Likely it would be qerSeq. There's no way you can pack {rSq}
: together without an intervening vowel, and while we spell
: "Kursk" with a "u", realize that the Klingon {u} is always
: pronounced "oo" as in "goose", and not like the "u" in
: "turkey". That sound is closer to the Klingon {er}, though it
: is not really all that close. It's just closer than any other
: vowel I can think of.
: charghwI'

FYI, the Russian city KYPCK is pronounced /koorsk/.  There's no way you're
going to manage the final consonant cluster unaltered, so {qurSIq} or
{qu'SIq} might work, both stressed on the first syllable.  You could tag on
an extra weak syllable at the end: {qurISqa} -- we've seen final {-a} in the
names {mara} Mara, {tlha'a} Klaa and {qItI'nga} K'Tinga (title to SkyBox
card S15).  If you're willing to "Klingonize" even further, consider {qurIQ}
or {qu'rIQ} in light of our discussion of final /Q/.  Remember that Korax is
rendered in Klingon as {qoreQ}.

Since someone from Kursk is called "kurskiy" in Russian (stess on the first
syllable), {qurISqIy} becomes a possibility.

Of the lot, I like {qurIQ} the best, even though that sounds too much like
the criminal "Kirk".  (Klaa pronounced it something like {qerq} with an
extremely long /e/ in ST5 -- hey, it IS an alien name after all!)

(glad he was finally able to use his degree in Slavic Languages on this

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