tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Sep 24 05:14:31 1996

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responding to KLBC posts

>. is there anything wrong with beginners responding to beginners under the
>KLBC header, provided that we don't actually correct eachother ?

In a word, yes.

Letting the Beginners' Grammarian respond before *anyone* else says anything
has a threefold benefit:

1 - It keeps the original note from setting off a flood of responses, some
    of which might be contradictory (or even just plain wrong).

2 - It cuts down on the use by others of incorrect grammar as examples.

3 - It lets the other "skilled" non-Grammarians safely ignore the note if
    desired, secure in the knowledge that it will be answered appropriately.

If other beginners see a phrase and decide they want to try to translate it
too, it can create a lot of confusion and redundant work for the BG.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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