tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Sep 11 10:40:14 1996

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translation check, jInIDqa'

> pe- is the prefix for no-object; <yada yada>
     Yeah, I didn't have mu'ghomwI' and pojwI' doesn't have imperatives on its
affix charts.

This is the abode of a warrior, but also of a scholar.
SuvwI' juH 'oH pa'vam'e', 'ach SovwI' juH'e' je 'oH

Shelves laden with books cover every wall.
Hoch pa' DopDaq tu'lu' paqmey law'
     (lit. "On every side of the room, one finds many books.")

You see "The Prince," "The Art of War," and "The Book of Five Rings."
<che'wI'>, <veS QeD>, <vagh Qebmey paq> je Dalegh

On the wall opposite the entry, a betleH hangs over another door.
'elmeH lojmIt HopboghDaq, latlh lojmIt DungDaq HuS betleH
     Okay, this is not good.  Any ideas?

> Did you write this in English and translate?  You might do better writing
> in Klingon first; that way you won't be pressured to mirror a possibly
> infelicitous Englishism.
     Yes, like I (tried to) say, I am now getting around to converting my
room's description into a kdesc.  The English is the existing @desc.

taDI'oS vIq, law'wI'pu'vaD Holtej jIH
|  Thaddaeus A. Vick, Linguist to the Masses   | mailto: [email protected]  -or-  |
|                                              |         [email protected]     |
|  gules, on a saltire argent voided azure,    |                              |
|  thirteen mullets of the second. Yeeha.      |   |

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