tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Sep 11 10:54:13 1996

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Klingon Anthem off the Star Trek: Klingon CD

Greetings and Salutations, fellow warriors!

	I am Mhaqz epetaI meQpu'yay (Phoenix), leader of the Intergalactic Klingon Empire. I am working on a 
translation project that has gotten stuck in a nasty snag. Most of you are familiar with the Star Trek: Klingon 
CD game, no? There is a 'Klingon Anthem' (per the CD) that is sung about 1/2 way through the movie. I need to 
find out what the actual klingon words are that they are singing. Ordinarily, I would merely decipher the words 
from the song, but when 5 people are singing 1 song in a language they've just learned last week, they don't 
tend to blend well. 
	The long and short of it is - anybody know what in Tarim's name they're saying?
Victor Manuel a.k.a. Mhaqz EpetaI meQpu'yay,
							Visit the I.K.E. Home Page
	Intergalactic Klingon Empire

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