tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Sep 12 13:26:57 1996

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Re: translation check, jInIDqa'

>Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 10:47:59 -0700
>From: "Donald E. Vick" <[email protected]>

>This is the abode of a warrior, but also of a scholar.
>SuvwI' juH 'oH pa'vam'e', 'ach SovwI' juH'e' je 'oH

'oH je.  The "verb" in this sentence is "'oH", and "je" meaning also
follows the verb.

>Shelves laden with books cover every wall.
>Hoch pa' DopDaq tu'lu' paqmey law'
>(lit. "On every side of the room, one finds many books.")

"paqmey law' lutu'lu'"  The books are still the *object* of the sentence,
and have to precede the verb.

I wonder if it shouldn't be pa' Hoch DopDaq (on every side of the room, and
not on every room-side.)

>On the wall opposite the entry, a betleH hangs over another door.
>'elmeH lojmIt HopboghDaq, latlh lojmIt DungDaq HuS betleH
>Okay, this is not good.  Any ideas?

You can't throw -Daq on a verb, even a verb with -bogh.  I can't quite make
sense of the first phrase anyway.  We had some ideas on the MUSH that we

>> Did you write this in English and translate?  You might do better writing
>> in Klingon first; that way you won't be pressured to mirror a possibly
>> infelicitous Englishism.
>Yes, like I (tried to) say, I am now getting around to converting my
>room's description into a kdesc.  The English is the existing @desc.

Well, I say again: don't translate, re-create.


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