tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Nov 19 20:08:06 1996

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KLBC Syntax - I'm lost

jatlh SuStel:

>Nouns with {-Daq}, {-vaD}, or {-mo'} come before the object.

Got me here. I see in the TKD in the chapter on nouns they look like they
come before. But one could interput them as the obj-verb-sub nature of
things. If that is so then if you have a noun with the above suffixes
couldn't they come where necessary or where they make the most sense meaning
if they are neither the subject or object. I wish I could think of an
example. Did I miss were that rule is or is it implied?

>There's an exception (which people don't usually use, but 
>which you should know): the adverbial can come before the *verb*, if the 
>object noun has {-'e'} on it.

Sorry I can't find that?

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