tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Nov 20 15:01:08 1996

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RE: KLBC Syntax - I'm Lost

jatlh Ken N:

>  >> muHoHbe'wI' muHoSmoHbej
>  Why is this wrong. It looks fine and makes sense????????????

It's not a problem with sentence order, it's a question about whether or not 
you can put a {-wI'} suffix on a verb which already has a prefix.  It doesn't 
seem likely.  The prefix indicates that there's a subject of some sort (in 
this case, third person), but the {-wI'} suffix changes the word into a noun, 
and a subject would not make sense with it.

One of the better translations of this idea is

HoSmaj ghurmoH nuHoHbe'bogh wanI'
An event which doesn't kill us increases our strength.
That which doesn't kill us makes us stronger.

There were other translations presented.

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96889.6

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