tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Nov 19 20:08:08 1996

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RE: KLBC - Stephen Hawking

jatlh SuStel:

>>  1. Why did you topicalize rop?
>When you've got a "to be" construction (TKD section 6.3), you must always 
>topicalize the subject.
>>  2. Why did you say {yIn 'oH De'wI' rop} and not just {yIn De'wI' rop}. Why
>>  use the extra pronoun {'oH}?
>majQa'!  I was getting caught up in the original text and your initial 
>translation attempt that I never saw this.  Good catch!  {yIn De'wI' rop} 
>works MUCH better.

I think I found it but I'm not sure.  If you topicalize the subject do you
have to use a third person pronoun ie 6.3 TKD. Scarry I might be getting
this.  And if so why (other that he says so) would we have to use a third
person pronoun anyways?

Maybe I've got the wrong rule for what we're discussing, please let me know.

[email protected]

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