tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Nov 14 15:01:27 1996

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RE: (KLBC) Sayu'

At 05:26 PM 11/13/96 -0800, you wrote:
>jatlh HurghwI':
>>  SaQlaHbe'chugh tlhInganpu', chay' mInDu' yIQmoH?
>>  "If Klingons can't cry, how do they keep their eyes wet?"
>jISovbe'!  (lughchu' pab).
>>  pabwIj lughmoHlaH SuStel neH, 'ach mujanglaH Hoch. wa'maH wa' Hu' 
>>  QochDu'
>>  vIbuSpu'vIS mujangbe' Hoch.
>>       ^^^^^^
>>  KLBC-How do I say "after?" Can I use this? "While I had already done it?"
>{-DI'} is the usual method.  "After (as soon as)  I returned, I sat."  
>{jIcheghDI', jIba'}.
>I'm afraid I can't follow your last sentence.  is {QochDu'} a misspelling?  I 
>think it has to do with you asking about foreheads {QuchDu'}.

11 days ago, after I thought about foreheads, everyone didn't answer (me).

>I'm going to recast your sentence as follows:
>wa'maH wa' Hu' QuchDu' vIqeltaHvIS mujang pagh
>Nobody answered me while I was considering foreheads 11 days ago.

I thought about this, but they shouldn't have answered before I posted the
question. First I thought about foreheads, then I posted my question, then
after that everyone didn't answer. I wasn't sure how you would say "nobody,"
so I decided to play it safe.

>Stardate 96870.5

-Adrian K (aka HurghwI')
      Stardate 96870.5
       | \     HurghwI'
    .-|  |-.   vogh vIghoSchugh, pa' SoH
   / /    \ \  [email protected]
  |_,\    /  |
 /   \\  //\_|__
|  ___\\//     /
|/ \     `----'

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