tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Nov 12 21:17:57 1996

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Re: a proverb

>> wa'logh jInajtaHvIS qeylIS vIghompu'
>> betleH chenmoHmeH lo'lu'bogh mIw mu'ang
>> HoSghaj naj
>> reH najvetlh vIqaw
>My attempt at translation
>Once, while I was dreaming, I met Kahless.
>He caused a batlith to form and proceded to instruct me in its use.
>Dream of strength
>I always remember the cockroach-dream
>I felt comfortable with the first 2 lines. The 3d line was a bit
>hazy; and the last line made no sense to me at all.  Could the
>reference to "cockroach" be analagous to "grasshopper" (ie, in the
>Kung Fu series?)

someone else corrected you about <-vetlh>/-that

but there is more to correct on your translation.

line 2:  he did not cause a betleH to form.  He showed me how to make one.

betleH chenmoHmeH lo'lu'bogh mIw mu'ang
He revealed the procedure which one uses for the purpose of making a betleH.

The legend about him using a lock of his hair; he placed it into the lava
and then shaped it.  He talked me though the procedure while I made my own
betleH.  I have short hair so I used some kind of string which resisted
burning for about twenty seconds, just long enough to scoop lava from the
main flow over to solid ground.  As it started to cool, I pounded it into
shape, then cooled by pouring water on it.

line 3:  HoSghaj is a verb.  It's not  dream of strength.
HoSghaj = verb, be powerful
It was a powerful dream.

DloraH, son of naD

Stardate: 96868.387

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