tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Nov 12 12:38:58 1996

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Re: a proverb


>Date: Tue, 12 Nov 1996 11:19:37 -0800
>From: "Lee Lewis" <[email protected]>
>> wa'logh jInajtaHvIS qeylIS vIghompu'
>> betleH chenmoHmeH lo'lu'bogh mIw mu'ang
>> HoSghaj naj
>> reH najvetlh vIqaw
>My attempt at translation
>Once, while I was dreaming, I met Kahless.
>He caused a batlith to form and proceded to instruct me in its use.
>Dream of strength
>I always remember the cockroach-dream
>I felt comfortable with the first 2 lines. The 3d line was a bit
>hazy; and the last line made no sense to me at all.  Could the
>reference to "cockroach" be analagous to "grasshopper" (ie, in the
>Kung Fu series?)

Weird... A lot of people have that problem.  I never did, because I never
had much use for the noun "vetlh"/cockroach, while I had a lot of use for
the suffix "-vetlh"/that.  I would probably be more likely to miss
"vetlh"/cockroach used as the second element of a compound, since it's so
rare.  Don't forget your suffixes!  They're important to know too.

Oh, and if it were the noun, "najvetlh" would be "dream-cockroach," not
"cockroach-dream" (the logic of the formation in Klingon happens to match
the English of the same order.  A "jolpa'" is a kind of "pa'", not a kind
of "jol.")


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