tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Dec 15 13:24:14 1996

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RE: KLBC: mu'tlheghmey vaghDIch ('e' vIloy) vImugh

December 13, 1996 6:53 PM, jatlh HurghwI':

> vang vanglaHbogh vay', 'ej ghojmoH vanglaHbe'bogh vay'.
> "Those who can, do, and those who can't, teach."
> (Hardly a true statement, but interesting to translate)


> lujtaH lolSeHcha jay'! lughmeH ghu' jIvangnIS!
> "The thrusters are failing! I must compensate!"

{lolSeHcha} is "attitude thrusters."  These are the small thrusters which 
change the ship's orientation (its attitude) in space.  There's another noun, 
{chuyDaH} "thrusters," which I imagine refers to translational movement.  If 
so, which did you mean?

I'm not sure if {luj} means "doesn't work," or if it means "fail" as in on a 
quest.  If it's the first one, you're fine.  If the second, you can also say 
{QapchoH chuyDaH jay'!}

> taHqu' *lol*! muDDaq meQ Dujmaj jay'!
> "Our attitude is too low! We'll burn up in the atmosphere!"

Now I *know* that you've got the wrong noun for thrusters.  "Attitude" is 
spacial orientation, not "altitude."  Notice the extra "l" in the second word. 
 And *please* don't extract word-elements!

Are you trying to use {taH} "be at a negative angle" here?!?

Sumqu' yuQ!  muDDaq mameQchu'!

> pa' jIDa'egh.
> (What does this mean to you? I wanted to see if this could be used to say "I
> will do the same in this case")

It means "I will behave as myself there."  It doesn't mean much to me.

Just repeat the verb, and add {je}.

1: jItlhutlh.
2: jItlhutlh je.

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96957.9

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