tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Apr 07 21:25:10 1996

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Re: Greetings

Michael (Aka Virtual Adept aka Redhawk) writes:
>Greetings all,

With the many names you have, I can say the same to you:  Greetings, all! :-)
Welcome to our corner of the 'net.  You've found the single best resource for
learning the Klingon language -- there's nothing finer anywhere in the world.
Of course, you can't begin learning without a copy of The Klingon Dictionary,
but as soon as you have it, start right in and use Klingon to tell us what is
on your mind, or what is going on in your neighborhood, or even simply what a
rotten day you had at school or work! :-)

Your goal of fluency is a good one.  As the Beginners' Grammarian, I will aid
you in whatever way I can as you start your studies.  Remember that our focus
here is primarily on the real *language*, and only incidentally on the unreal
*culture* that we see on TV and in the movies; if you want to discuss a topic
like the proper meal to serve after a bonding ritual, discuss it in Klingon!

>...I am also looking to make a Klingon Bat'leh (I am unsure if that
>is the right word) as well at a arms armour group that I sometimes attend.
>If I may show some ignorance... can I ask what that means and what the
>correct spelling is?  I would like to know!

The correct Klingon spelling of the long, curved sword with twin points at
each end and multiple handgrips along its "spine" is {betleH}.  The corrupted
spelling in Federation Standard is "bat'telh", and it's usually mispronounced
as "bat-leth".  They {betleH} is based on a weapon forged (*) by Kahless the
Unforgettable, which he named {batlh 'etlh}, meaning "sword of honor".

>Qapla' (See... I am learning already!)

majQa'!  bIpo'choHjaj!  Great!  May you become skilled!

(*) According to legend, Kahless went up the volcano at Kri'stak, dropped a
lock of his hair into the lava, plunged the burning lock into Lake Lursor,
and twisted it into a blade, which he then used to kill the tyrant Molor.

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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