tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Nov 29 18:26:17 1995

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Re: Another X-Files quote.

peHruS writes:
>{poch} is given a "plant (v)."  Is this another case of being allowed to use
>a TKD verb as a noun?  I have read in TKD that "... it is not known if all
>nouns can be used as verbs and vice versa."  Do we have canon backing for
>using {poch} as a noun?

As far as I know, {poch} is only a verb.  If I follow the pattern of many
of the verbs that are spelled the same as nouns with similar meanings, I
would have to argue that a hypothetical noun {poch} would NOT mean what I
understand as "plant (n)" -- I'd want it to mean something that is/was/will
be planted.  "Crops", perhaps, or just maybe an intentionally decorative
flower, but not any old random piece of vegetation.

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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