tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Nov 29 17:06:11 1995

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Re: qeylIS betleH

peHruS writes:
>In Hebrew a time-word can stand alone.  For example, "boker" can be a
>standalone sentence meaning "It was morning."  If tlhIngan Hol can allow for
>this type of sentence also, then {ram} can mean "It is night."

I don't think the time-of-day words can do that.  They're clearly nouns.
I know of no justification for letting them act as verbs.

>Then the participants should say, "OK.  It is night."  Then just get up and

That's not what occurred in the episode, however.  They obviously
wished each other "good night" in Klingon (or a similar language).
Kor definitely is not a conventional Klingon. :-)

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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