tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 06 12:17:45 1995

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We need Klingon speakers for the CD-ROM!

              maHvaD tlhIngan Hol DajatlhtaH wIneHqu'

           chen *Klingon Immersion Course* 'e' wIQaHmeH,
           QIch De' qonnIS ghargh'a' patmey malja'ghom.

As Dr. Lawrence Schoen of the KLI has announced, the upcoming 
Klingon CD-ROM from Simon & Schuster Interactive will include a 
Klingon practice feature.  Dragon Systems, Inc., is proud to be 
producing the speech recognition system for this feature... and I 
am enormously delighted to be working on it, and to be able to say 
so publicly at last.  Marc Okrand is providing the vocabulary, and 
we will start recording this week. 

That's the good news.  The bad news is that most of the volunteers 
who contacted Lawrence won't be able to participate.  The nature 
of speech recognition technology makes it impossible for us to use 
tape-recorded speech, even of the highest quality.  The data must 
be recorded on a computer, with our own program and hardware, and 
that means at our location in Newton, Massachusetts, a little west 
of Boston. 

The budget we've been allotted will just cover our own costs, so 
it doesn't look as if we'll be able to pay for transportation.  
But if you can pronounce Klingon decently -- as Lawrence said, if 
you can pronounce a good "Q", "tlh", and "gh" -- and if you can 
get yourself to Newton, your voice can be part of our model for 
Klingon pronunciation.  Phone or email me at the contacts below. 

If you have Klingon-speaking friends who are in this area and 
don't get the tlhIngan-Hol list, by all means pass the word on to 
them.  We may also have to use non-Klingonists who have linguistic 
training and can handle the pronunciation without knowing the 
language, but of course we'd rather use real Klingons if we can.  

                       yImImQo'!  DaH HIrI'!

    tlhIngan veQbeq marqem la'Hom : Subcommander marqem,
                                  : Klingon Sanitation Corps
           Heghbej ghIHmoHwI'pu'! : Death to litterbugs! 

                         Mark A. Mandel 
    Dragon Systems, Inc. : speech recognition : +1 617 965-5200 
  320 Nevada St. :  Newton, Mass. 02160, USA : [email protected]
This document was created with DragonDictate for Windows.  (Except 
for the Klingon words.  We're still working on multilingual speech 

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