tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jul 31 21:44:14 2012

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay cha'vatlh loSmaH chorgh: quv tobmeH

Robyn Stewart ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol po'wI']

At 22:26 '?????' 7/31/2012, Rohan Fenwick - QeS 'utlh wrote:<br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">jIghItlhpu', jIjatlh:<br>
&gt; I'm falling behind again... :/<br><br>
jang Qov, jatlh:<br>
&gt; chaq vIlI' 'e' vImev.<br><br>
Qo'! At least, not on my account. </blockquote><br>
No, there's another reason, but I'll keep you supplied while you're still
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">Will my own 'ay'Hom wejDIch slow
you up a little?</blockquote><br>
loQ. Depends on the weather and the phase of the moon--literally. I got
called out to work today because of especially low tides. I'm so excited
by the whole Georgia/epic thing that I already want to dress up like
tIna'tIn and go horseback riding through the Caucuses. With a sabre. Is
this poem a famous piece of literature in Georgia? Will normal people be
somewhat familiar with it? I will have to learn enough Georgian to
explain that I read it in the original Klingon. Or maybe not.<br><br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">ghItlhpu' Qov, jatlh:<br>
&gt; qImyal blamed the attack on the councillor's ship on conspirators,
vajar, and Romulans.<br><br>
vIjang, jIjatlh:<br>
&gt; Passing the buck is always a good move...<br><br>
mujang je Qov, jatlh:<br>
&gt; I think she's honed that to a fine art. Chapters you've missed
demonstrate the lengths she'll go to for that end.<br><br>
I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to sitting down and
rereading through the whole thing.</blockquote><br>
rInDI' qep'a' 'eb Dun Daghaj.<br><br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">&gt; He's already mentioned in
the story that he's working to get her on the council, so presumably he's
following some protocol here, and talking her up.<br><br>
And making it clear that he can cease to do so at a moment's notice. I
love how much is being conveyed in this single
It's sometimes really hard to know what's just in my mind and what comes
out in the story.&nbsp; That's why I love ghunchu'wI''s stream of
consciousness readings so much. I get to see what works.<br><br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">Qov:<br>
&gt; «joHwI', Hoch patmey vItI'ta'. vIrInmoHmeH SoSbor De'wI'
vIchu'nISqa'. Dachaw''a'?»<br><br>
<font size=2>&gt; {'e' Dachaw''a'} Sar DaneHmo'
&gt; 'ut {'e'} 'e' DaHar'a'?&nbsp; {Qu' Dachaw'a'} ghel qaH'eng 'e'
vIlaj. 'ach laDwI' mISmoHlaHchugh vIchoHqang. <br>
&gt;Also she is saying what is needed. if I 'e' Dachaw''a' that, she's
asking for permission to need to do it.<br><br>
Good point. I didn't think it was ungrammatical, but I wasn't sure if you
had a specific reason for not using 'e'. The -nIS sort of slipped by
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">Qov:<br>
&gt; Mahoun ghIjqu'mo' qImyal qab, qImyal ghop leghbe', HIvmeH joppa'
<font size=2>&gt; tugh qaS Sengna' 'e' vISov...</font><br><br>
&gt; reH qaS Seng. 'ej jIghuHmoH 'e' vIlIj. va.<br><br>
batlh vISIQ 'e' vInID.</blockquote><br>
Damn, I know no expression in any other language as good as Russian
&quot;molodetz&quot;. It translates to something like &quot;good
boy&quot; but lacks that condescension. It's a unisex exclamation of
praise for bravery, cleverness and fortitude.<br><br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">Qov:<br>
&gt; Haw'lI' jabwI'pu' Sungpu' je. nISwI' SeHchoH qImyal. Mossam qabDaq
Qeq. chu'wI'Daq QeychoH qImyal SIqwI' 'e' leghlaH Mahoun.<br><br>
<font size=2>&gt; 'ej qojDaq wIHuSqa'moHlu'. laDwI'lI' DaboHmoH 'e'
DatIv, qar'a'? :)</font><br><br>
&gt; bIqar!&nbsp; Mossam HoHqang'a' Qov?<br><br>
Hoch HoHqangba'qu' Qov net Sov! tlhoblaH neH vay': «ruch'a'
tugh DaSov. SIbI' 'ang 'ay' veb.<br><br>
- Qov<br>

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