tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Jan 08 06:26:10 2011

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Re: mu'tlheghvam yIlughmoH

Ruben Molina ([email protected])

On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 12:33 AM, lojmIt tI'wI'nuv
<[email protected]> wrote:
> Replacing the question mark with a comma doesn't stop {nuq 'oH bomvam 'o'megh'e'} from being a question. qarbe'. You can't put any question words or interrogative constructions in the first sentence of a Sentence As Object construction with 'e' or net, unless the pronoun actually represents the question and not it's answer.

mu'tlheghwIj DamughHa' 'e' vIHar.  {nuq 'oH bomvam 'o'megh'e'} 'oSbej {'e'}

<what is the ending of this song? I'm not yet able to tell that (the
question)> 'oS {nuq 'oH bomvam 'o'megh'e', wej 'e' vIjanglaH.} ('e'
vIghItlh vIneHbe') 'ach <what is the ending of this song? I'm not yet
able to answer that (the question)> 'oS {nuq 'oH bomvam 'o'megh'e',
wej 'e' vIjanglaH.} je ('e' vIghItlh vIneHbe') .

<what is the ending of this song? I'm not yet able to answer that (the
question)> qar'a'

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