tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jan 07 13:17:47 2011

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Re: mu'tlheghvam yIlughmoH

Ruben Molina ([email protected])

On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 3:44 PM, lojmIt tI'wI' nuv
<[email protected]> wrote:
> So, when we want to say something like, "I know how to tie my shoes," we have to completely recast the sentence to be something like "I can tie my shoes." It means the same thing, but it avoids the impossible grammar of the original. You could also say, "I know the in-order-to-tie-my-shoes method." I'm sure there are other ways to cast it, but Klingon simply lacks a way to say, "I know how to tie my shoes." The grammar is not there to do it. Making following a question with {'e'} is tempting, but it doesn't work.

DaH jIyajlaw'.

Âchay' bomvam vIvan? wej 'e' vISov. â Âwej bomvam bertlham vISovÂ, qar'a'

lojmIt tI'wI' nuv qatlho'


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