tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jan 07 09:54:42 2011

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Re: mu'tlheghvam yIlughmoH

Ruben Molina ([email protected])

On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 9:17 AM, lojmIt tI'wI' nuv
<[email protected]> wrote:
> A more direct way to say this would perhaps be {bomvam 'o'meH vISovbe'.} You seem to go way out of your way to force {'e'} into sentences that don't need it. You also really like pronouns.

nuq 'oS {'o'meH}. {o'megh} DaghItlh 'e' DaHechpu''a'

tlhingan Hol ghItlhtaH Hogh wa'DichwIj ('oH)? 'ej vIlughnISchoHbogh
Qagh law' tu'lu' 'e' viSovbej.
mu'tlheghwIj vIlughchoH 'e' DaneHDI'

{o'megh vISovbe'} vIjatlhchugh neH. qar'a'.
qoj {wej o'megh vISov} vIjatlhchugh. qar'a'.
{o'megh} vIjatlhmo' {bom} bop mu'tlheghwIj 'e' Dayaj. qar'a'.

'ach  qech 'oSHa'law' mu'tlhegh wa'Dich, vaj  mu'tlheghwIj cha'Dich vImaSbej.

> One of Okrand's goals in designing Klingon was to get rid of the verb "to be", and then working with real scripts, he conceded, "Okay, you can use pronouns for 'to be'." There are not a lot of examples of him using it, and when he does, it tends to be very straightforward, like {tlhIngan maH}. English speakers LOVE the various forms of the word "to be" and "to go" and "to do" and we pad most of our sentence with them.

jISovbe'. qatlho'

> Klingon is not encoded English. It is an alien language. Your mind is supposed to work differently when you are speaking Klingon than it does when you are speaking English. That's the fun part of using it for me. I like having to think differently.
> Step one is to simplify. Boil the meaning down to its essence, then build a Klingon sentence with that essence, dumping "to be" whenever you can. There are times when it is just the right thing, like {tlhIngan maH}. But much of the time, you don't need "to be". You also usually don't need sentences tied to other sentences. You can simplify things down to nuggets. It's an attitude as much as it is a process.

jIyajlaw'. qatlho'


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