tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Dec 02 12:27:17 2010

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RE: wovmoHwI'mey yupma'

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

I posted yesterday:
>nuQum naHQun:
>> weQlop botIvjaj!
>   DIngwI' mach vIghaj jIH.
>   lamvo' vIchenmoHpu'.
>   QaDchoHpu'DI' 'eHchoH,
>   ghIq DIngwI' vIQujqu'!

I thought there would be comments by now!  I guess some people don't recognize the "Dreydl Song" ({DIngwI'} "spinner, top".)  Here's the English version I translated off the top of my head:

  I have a little dreydl. 
  I made it out of clay.
  When it's dry and ready,
  then dreydl I shall play.

I'm not happy with how I translated "I made it out of clay" - there being no known word for "clay".  {lam yIQ} "mud, wet dirt" or  {lam jeD/Hum} "viscous/sticky dirt" didn't feel right and didn't fit the tune.  Last night I even thought about updating this for the 21st (not to mention 24th) century with {mep} "plastic" and avoiding the whole clay issue.

Yes, I know {-vo'} "from, direction away from" doesn't work like this.  I suppose I could have used our all-purpose {-mo'} "due to, because of", but that wasn't right either.  Rephrasing as "using clay I made one" scans nicely in English, but {lam Hum vIlo'taHvIS wa' vIchenmoHpu'} is too long for one line.  Hmm... if we drop the third line, and rearrange things a bit it almost works:

  DIngwI' mach vIghaj jIH,
  lam Hum vIlo'taHvIS,
  DIngwI' vIQujlaHqu'.

OK, so you try coming up with something sing-able on your coffee break!

Certainly what's written on the dreydl is easier: the Hebrew initials N.G.H.SH. (*Nes Gadol Hayah SHam*) "a great miracle/sign/wonder was/happened there" -- {pa' qaSpu' wanI' Dun}.

For more information see the Wikipedia article at where a slightly different version in Yiddish is provided:

  Ikh bin a kleyner dreydl, 
  gemakht bin ikh fun blay.
  Kumt lomir aleh shpiln, 
  in dreydl eyns tsvey dray.

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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