tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Mar 19 10:23:51 2006

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Re: Cute/Adorable KLBC (again)

Shane MiQogh ([email protected])

I ask these questions to point out that there is no simple, or general, answer. It points out that perhaps certain concepts can't be expressed without a dimunative or augumentive for verbs. 
  Let's take QIH for example....
  QIH (if augumented) To level or obliviate
  QIH (normal) To destroy or damage
  QIH (dimunitive) to stun
  To be a bit blunt, 2 new adverbs (not suffixes for heaven's sake, but if they were, they'd be rovers) would make the Klingon language *ALOT* more flexable. Infact, with this, one could dramatically cut down the vocabulary list of TKD dramatically. 
  Plus, i don't think anyone's gonna say "Their faces move me emotionally" or "their bodies make me want them" about some one's kids... I was told here once, that this language is so flexable you can use it to express almost any idea practically.  (Such as to use it for commercial airlines.) but... To me, it seems it's not as practical as it's made out to be. I wish that hopefully, it may become that practical, eventually. In every day american life, one must be specific. in Klingon, i find it quite hard to be specific about anything. Even colors...
Terrence Donnelly <[email protected]> wrote:
  There are no words for "lovable" or "cute". The
closest alternative I can think of off-hand is
{'IH} "beautiful". 
You need to accept that Klingon is not a code
for English and that not every English word has
a Klingon equivalent. Try to analyze the idea
behind the English word and then express that
idea in Klingon. For example, what does "lovable"
really mean in a particular context? You might
be able to paraphrase it in Klingon, eg.
{muDuQ qablIj} "your face moves me emotionally"
or {qaneH 'e' muraD porghlIj} "Your body makes
me want you."

If you have TKD and the list of New Words from the
KLI website, you have almost all the exiting Klingon
words. If you can't find a particular English
translation there, assume the word/concept doesn't
exist in Klingon, and try to find a work-around
along the lines of the above.

--- Shane MiQogh wrote:

> how would we express some one is lovable or cute,
> when there is no verb for love (which has been
> brought up before that muSHa' wouldn't be
> appropriate)?

-- ter'eS

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