tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Mar 18 13:21:21 2006

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HUGs and Poking. KLBC

Shane MiQogh ([email protected])

How would some one go to say "Poke" instead of "touch"? Would we leave it as an english verb? Or would we have to use them as nouns to say "She gave me a poke on the shoulder" or "she gave me a hug" rather than "she hugged me"? Or is this all the same as proper nouns like German or France or Kohlrak? What we don't have a word for we just say the english version like "Hug vIneH!"? What if we wanted to say "Cat" instead of just animal, do we just say "cat"? And quotes... 
  Would it be proper to say: "I love you", mujatlhpu'.
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