tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Mar 18 13:54:16 2006

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Re: Finally got some time... KLBC

Terrence Donnelly ([email protected]) [KLI Member]

Well... The pronouns-as-copulas aren't really
verbs, and I think technically they are a form
of apposition, where two nouns paired refer to
the same thing: {qoH SoH} = "you, a fool".  The
only canon I've ever seen pairs the copula pronoun
with a preceding noun.  So I don't think you can
say *{jIHvIp}, but you maybe could say {qoH
jIHvIp}, but I'm not sure if that means "I am
afraid that I am a fool" or "I'm afraid to be
a fool." (vs. {mughIj qoHpu'} "Fools scare me.")

BTW, you don't need to quote the entire message
each time, especially if you're not actually
quoting any of its text.

--- Shane MiQogh <[email protected]> wrote:

> so theoretically... if i want to say "I am afraid"
> as a general satement of it's own without even
> implying that you are afraid of an object, you could
> say jIHvIp. 

-- ter'es BG

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