tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Mar 18 17:20:31 2006

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Re: HUGs and Poking. KLBC

Terrence Donnelly ([email protected]) [KLI Member]

The usual way to express non-Klingon words in
writing is to set them off with *..*; I really
don't know how you'd do it in speech, but you
can definitely mix in non-Klingon words for
non-Klingon concepts (it's like asking "How
do you say 'taco' in English?").

But beyond the mechanics of using non-Klingon
words is how much you want to express a
"Klingon" sensibility versus just using it as
a kind of code to express Terran culture.
For one thing, Klingon is very verb-centric,
so your example of a "Give me a hug" would
probably be expressed with verbs by a real
Klingon: {cho*hug* vIneH} "I want you to hug me".
For another, "to hug" may not be a Klingon
concept.  When Marc Okrand was once asked how
to say "Give us a kiss", he responded with
{HIchop} "Bite me!"  When you're describing
non-Klingon _things_, you're safe just using the
Terran word: {*cat*mey vItIvqu'; 'eyqu' bIH}
"I like cats; they're delicious."  When you
start dealing with concepts, I'm personally
more inclined to look for the closest Klingon
equivalent and not just insert a non-Klingon word.

As for quotes, there are no indirect quotes in
Klingon, so you just state the quoted words as
if they were being spoken for the first time:
{mura' HoD. jatlh. HIchop!} "The captain ordered
me to bite him."  Since {jatlh} is the only
Klingon verb of speaking and it doesn't take
a direct object, the quotation is really a
collection of independent sentences, literally
"The captain ordered me.  He spoke. Bite me!"

-- ter'eS

--- Shane MiQogh <[email protected]> wrote:

> How would some one go to say "Poke" instead of
> "touch"? Would we leave it as an english verb? Or
> would we have to use them as nouns to say "She gave
> me a poke on the shoulder" or "she gave me a hug"
> rather than "she hugged me"? Or is this all the same
> as proper nouns like German or France or Kohlrak?
> What we don't have a word for we just say the
> english version like "Hug vIneH!"? What if we wanted
> to say "Cat" instead of just animal, do we just say
> "cat"? And quotes... 
>   Would it be proper to say: "I love you",
> mujatlhpu'.
> ---------------------------------
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