tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Mar 18 19:51:48 2006

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Re: HUGs and Poking. KLBC

Alan Anderson ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol po'wI']

ja' Shane MiQogh:

> How would some one go to say "Poke" instead of "touch"?

I'd say {volchaHwIjDaq SIqta' ghaH} "She has used her index finger at  
my shoulder."  Perhaps add {pe'vIl} "forcefully" at the beginning, if  
you want to imply a sharp poke rather than a more gentle tap.

Using a {-Daq} on a finger verb is uncommon, but I think the more  
usual phrasing of {...volchaHwIj SIq...} "...use the index finger on  
my shoulder..." seems as likely to refer to pointing as it does poking.

> ... What we don't have a word for we just say the english version  
> like "Hug vIneH!"?

If the specific action is that important and you can't come up with a  
straightforward translation, then a macaronic {*hug* vIpoQ} or even  
{HI*hug*} among friends would probably work.  I'd be more likely to  
tell someone {vI'uchlu' vIneH} "I want to be held" or {HIqat} "wrap/ 
encase me", though.

> What if we wanted to say "Cat" instead of just animal, do we just  
> say "cat"?

In this specific case, a {vIghro'} is a cat-like animal (we've heard  
Klingons on TV refer to a "grishnar cat" and a "tika cat" in certain  

> And quotes...
>   Would it be proper to say: "I love you", mujatlhpu'.

It would be more proper to follow the example of quoted speech in TKD  
and use the verb {ja'} instead of {jatlh}.  The quote can come either  
before or after the verb of saying:

   muja'pu' "I love you"
   "I love you" muja'pu'

-- ghunchu'wI'

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