tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Oct 13 18:04:53 1998

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KLBC - QInvam yIlaD! QInvam yIlaD!

Hoch tlhInganmeyvaD je' tlhIngan Hol lujatlhtaH yoqmeyvaD lI' QInvam. DaH
tlhIngan Hol vIjatlhlaH. chu' mebqoq jIH ghomqoqlIj choSuq 'ach jIqeqtaHmeH
tlhIngan Hol vIghoj.

This message is useful for all Klingons and people that speak Klingon. Soon I
will be able to speak Klingon. You have acquired a new "guest" to your
"group", but I am still practicing in order to learn Klingon.

In the cases of {lI' QInvam} and {mebqoq}, I couldn't find words that better
suited it. For {lI' QInvam}, I couldn't find the verb "important" in TKD or
KGT. Is there such a word in Klingon? Also, for {mebqoq}, I was looking for
the word "member", but all I came up with was "guest".

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