tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Oct 14 09:18:54 1998

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Re: KLBC - QInvam yIlaD! QInvam yIlaD!

Two quick vocabulary/canon notes for DatlhHoD.  I'll leave the grammar for the

:                      I couldn't find the verb "important" in TKD or
: KGT. Is there such a word in Klingon?

{potlh} "be important" (v) in TKD, as used by Okrand in:

  tlhIngan qorDu' pong potlh law' Hoch potlh puS
  Above all, the Klingon family name is highly valued. S13

  qorDu' SaHlu'chugh 'ej matlhlu'chugh vaj wa' tlhIngan ghob potlhqu'
  devotion and loyalty to family is one of the most important
    Klingon virtues. S13

  batlh potlh law' yIn potlh puS
  Honor is more important than life. TKW

  potlhbe'chugh yay qatlh pe''eghlu' 
  If winning is not important, then why keep score? TKW 

  tlhIngan wo' yuQmey chovlu'chugh Qo'noS potlh law' Hoch potlh puS.
  The principal planet of the Klingon Empire, Qo'noS... S27 

  nentay loptaHvIS tlhIngan potlh tlhIngan 'oy'naQ'e'
  The Klingon Painstik is an important part of a Klingon's Age of
    Ascension ceremony. S32

We also have {pav} "be urgent", which has never been used by Okrand.

:                             Also, for {mebqoq}, I was looking for
: the word "member", but all I came up with was "guest".

Okrand has written:

 "An individual crew member is a {beq}." (KGT p.50)

... which isn't quite what you're looking for.  Some people here on the list
use *{jeSwI'} for "participant" (from {jeS} "participate") or *{labwI'} for
"someone who posts" (from {lab} "transmit data [away from a place]").  

Another option, at least for dues-paying members in an organization, might be
{qoch} "partner" -- which also seems to be an element in {maqoch} "buddy, pal"
(used only by males though; women say {chaj} to each other).

"Grammatici certant et adhuc sub judice
 Ca'Non Master of the Klingons                              lis est."
       Horace (Ars Poetica)

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