tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Apr 28 23:09:38 1998

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Re: Israel's 50th Birthdate

ja' peHruS:
>parmaqqaywI', yIntaHvIS parmaqmaj vaj yInlIjmo' yInwIjmo' je, (1)
>jIHDaq QIn baHbogh parmaq,
>tIqwIj pe'pu' 'e' chevbogh parmaq  (2)
>'ej teSwIj Duqpu'bogh parmaq'e' vItoy'choHchu'pu'.


"My romantic partner, while our romance is living thus because of your
life and because of my life, romance which fires a message at me,
romance which separates that it has cut my heart and I have completely
begun to serve the romance which has stabbed my ear(s)."

Huh?  This has intelligible words and at least a hint of grammar, but
it fails to carry any meaning that I can see.

>(1) Two type 5 {-mo'}s.

Not a problem.  They're both nouns, and you've used a noun construction
after them, as is proper.

>(2) I have transposed the last two lines in order to put the main clause OVS

The last two lines both look like complete sentences to me.  I don't see
that either of them is more of a main clause than the other.  Of course,
I also don't see that either of them *means* anything, either...

>mung ghaj bomvam vImughta'bogh.
>naDev vI'ang:
>chai habrit dodi vechayekha vechai
>haahava sheyer:ta bi chetsi
>im-lo ahi 'eved leahava rets'a
>azni velibi vitra bachatsi

Holvam vISovbe'.  naDev luSov nuv puS.  English mu'mey Danobqangbe''a'?
Do you know what it says in English?  That might help

>As usual, your analysis is welcome.

Without knowing what it's supposed to say, such "analysis" is limited to
a direct translation in an attempt to show why what you said isn't likely
to be what you meant.

I do think I'd have used {bang} instead of {parmaqqay} to translate "dodi",
one of the few nouns I recognize in the Hebrew.  {yIn} "chai" is another.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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