tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Apr 28 23:09:29 1998

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Re: qep'a' vaghDIch

ja' Holtej:
>wa'Hu' maja'chuq *Lawrence jIH je.  qep'a' vaghDIch wIqel. [1]  DISvam jISaH
>'e' vIwuqta'!

majQa'!  Dutlhej'a' Alec? :-)

>wa' ben, cha' ben je loQ belHa' jatlhwI'pu' nIv.  wanI'mey law' nab
>*Lawrence, 'ach jatlhwI' chu'vaD nablaw'.  loQ jIbep je 'e' vIchID.

maghurtaHvIS, chu'wI' potlh law' ngo'wI' potlh puS.  batlh jISIQqang.
'Itlhbe'mo' Qujmey, loQ jIboH.

>jatlhwI' nIv, jatlhwI' chu' wIma'meH Qujmey chu' wI'oghnIS.  chaq rut cha'
>ghom wIchenmoHlaH, 'ach motlh wa' ghom qaq law' ghommey law' qaq puS 'e'

vIHar je.  mawav'eghbe'nIS.  'ach mamoghnISbe' je.

>vaj SaqaD, 'ej jIqaD'egh je: qep'a' yIbuS.  nuq Data' DaneH?  Qujmey chu'
>Da'oghlaH'a'?  jatlhwI' chu' wItungHa'meH 'ej jatlhwI' nIv wIma'meH DaH
>wInabnIS.  pagh wItungnIS.  quqnIS'a' cha' Quj?  Quj pIm wInabnIS'a'?
>qechmeyraj yIngeH!

I suggest that the rare "unstructured" times not be wasted in idle chat.
On the contrary, they should be *filled* with chat, idle and otherwise!
The games and presentations and panel discussions are great, but so are
the random conversations in the lobby and the corners of the room where
others are playing games.

Those of us who treasure the opportunity just to get together and *talk*
should carefully take advantage of every moment.  My suggestion is that
we make the times when "nothing" is going on as important as the "real"
programmed events, and that the schedule be designed with this in mind.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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