tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Apr 28 23:09:45 1998

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Re: KLBC: nom

ja' Edy:
>Peace is not a gift from God, but a conquer of the Spirit
>roj nunobbe' joH'a'. qa' chav 'oH'e'

It's very close.  I suspect some of the problem is with the English rather
than the Klingon, though. :-)  I'm confused by the word "conquer" here;
it's a verb where the English requires a noun, and it's nothing like the
idea I see in the Klingon.  I'll go with the Klingon and you can correct
me if I got it wrong.

"The great lord does not give us peace.  As for *it*, it achieves the spirit."

There is one definite error -- you have put the noun suffix {-'e'} on the
pronoun {'oH}, marking it as a noun and keeping it from being used as a
"to be" verb, the way I think you meant it.  [Either that, or you left off
a space before the word {'e'}, which I'm sure you wouldn't have tried to
use as the subject of a sentence, right? :-)]  Removing {-'e'}, we get:

{qa' chav 'oH} "It is the spirit's achievement."

As a minor point of style, I would have left off the {nu-} on the first verb.
{roj nobbe' joH'a'} is fine, and I think I like it a little better when it's
not talking about giving peace to *us*, but merely giving it in general.

I also think it would read better if the sentences were a bit more parallel.
As it is, the object of one sentence is the subject of the other, which makes
it slightly harder to understand.  How about making the second sentence this:

{roj chav qa'} "The spirit achieves peace."

That avoids the weak and noun-centric phrasing of using {'oH} as a verb.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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