tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Apr 02 21:04:36 1998

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Re: KLBC: qech ngo'

HovqIj jang Qov:
>}ngo' moQ qech.
>}The idea of a sphere is old.
>Again there is ambiguity in the Klingon, because you could be talking about
>ideas the sphere has.  That's the first way I read it.

It's ambiguous in English as well.  I'd probably have used the verb {qel}
instead of a noun-noun construction here:  {ngo' moQ qelbogh qech'e'}.  I
actually want to say {ngo' moQ 'oH tera''e' 'e' qelbogh qech}, but that's
getting a bit deep in the parse stack department. :-)

>Daj lutlIj, HovqIj.  tlhochchuqlaw'mo' SovlIj paqlIj je bIQulchoH 'ej maHvaD
>De' Daj Damuch.  loQ QeD tIQ vIqaw jIH.  moQ 'oH tera''e' 'e' lutobmeH cha'
>tej, DIS chongDaq Qam wa', tlhaq qar 'uchtaHvIS.  Hopbogh DIS chongDaq Qam
>tlhaq ghajbogh latlh tej'e'.  quqbe' DungluQmeyHeychaj 'ach tay'qa'DI' chaH,
>quqtaH tlhaqmey. jIluj'a'?

moQ 'oH tera''e' 'e' maqbogh nger Daj ngong DaDelbogh.
Sumchugh Hov, Donbe' tIS.  beQbe' tera' nIteb 'e' toblaHbe' mIwvam.
moQ 'oH tera''e' net lajchugh, yuQ juvqu'laH mIwvam.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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