tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Apr 02 21:04:32 1998

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Re: How big is the vocabulary?

ja' boSo' maw'Ha'qu':
>could we not use this as a qualifier for counting words, ie: if there is a
>literal translation for an english word, thats one word.....???

I'm not counting "words" as such.  I'm counting canon definitions from the
lexicons of TKD and KGT, plus a few other scattered sources as recorded in
HolQeD.  Thus {ghoj} and {ghojmoH} each get counted, because each is found
in TKD.  {bel} and {belHa'} both appear, but {belmoH} does not, even though
there is an English word "please" that translates it literally.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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