tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Aug 24 16:40:09 1996

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Re: KLBC: nuqjatlh?

At 09:27 AM 8/22/96 -0700, Ben Warren wrote:
>I received a message in Hol from a friend, and while I understood most of
>it, these two lines have me at a loss:
>naDev qaSwanI' ramqu'

Well, this would have me at a loss as well.  It looks like when your friend
typed it, they forgot a space between <qaS> and <wanI'>.  If you put that
back in, you get 

        naDev qaS wanI' ramqu'
        "very trivial events occur here"

...which I beleive I have sometimes seen to mean "Nothing is going on".

>chay' Dochvam vIlan

This looks to be a pretty straight-forward translatio:  "How do I place this
thing?".  <chay'> is a question word, meaning "how", so it makes the whole
sentence a question.

If this is the translation you got, and you didn't understand it in the
context in which it was given to you, I cannot help you further without
seeing the rest of the converations.

If this isn't the translation you got, then you need to show me what you
saw, and how you got it, so I can "see" how you are thinking. :)

>The kick of it is, I did not know this friend even knew of tlhIngan-Hol.
>Show you how wide spread this is.

Klingon speakers do show up in the oddest of places...

I live in a small, historic, semi-rural community several miles west of
Toledo, Ohio.  When I moved out here, I was diligently looking for another
Klingonist in the area--mainly in the Toledo area, as it is the closest
majour city.

By dumb luck, I found one right here in town... I never would have guessed...


Qapla' yay je!


HoD trI'Qal, tlhIngan wo' Duj lIy So' ra'wI'
Captain T'rkal, Commander IKV Hidden Comet
Klingon speaker and net junkie!
HaghtaHbogh tlhIngan yIvoqQo'!  toH... qatlh HaghtaH Qanqor HoD???
monlI'bogh tlhInganbe' yIvoqQo'!  SoHvaD monlI' trI'Qal...

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