tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Aug 01 09:41:14 1996

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The Way of the Warrior

on Aug. 1 ghunchu'wI' helps me by reply:
>Klingon is not Korean, so I wouldn't use Korean as a guide for translating
>ideas into Klingon.

That is obvious. I used the korean word Do as an example.  From all information 
on the subject I can find (and having been a martial arts teacher for 15 years 
gives me many resources) Warrior cultures establish that The Way of the Warrior 
is not a destination, but instead a path set through life.  Each warrior will 
set their own course and follow it the best they can.  There is some indication 
from ST:TNG and DS9 that this is true.  For example the Way of the Warrior for 
Worf is not to follow what is expected but his own concept of honor and what is 
right for the Klingon Empire.  Even though this get him and his family into 

This alone shows me that Klingons can behave in ways that are not custom.  Let's 
face it Worf follows many Klingon customs, however he has chosen his own path as 
a Warrior. I'll admit though Worf is unique in that he has been a member of 
Starfleet. Although that has not weakened his Warrior Spirit, just refined it. 
 Custom and way of life are similar but different.

>                   I can't give a definitive "ruling" on the subject, but
>I strongly believe that if this particular "way" meant "course" in Klingon,
>the title of The Klingon Way would have been translated {tlhIngan He}.  It
>seems that {He} refers only to a physical course, not a spiritual one.

This is why I choose to use yInHe (lifecourse) not just He (course) yInHe 
implies a spiritual course, a course through life.

This concept is very important to me.  I have decided on a massive project and 
wish to have my Klingon correct in anything I may try to send up the line to 
Paramount and Pocket Books.  I don't feel like having people giving me a hard 
time here.  So I would like this open to All maillist members.  Give me your 
opinon.  Either here or direct to me at [email protected].  

I'll try to assimilate what the majority say.  Since we are all working with 
what little information extracted from Maltz.


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