tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Mar 06 02:00:41 1995

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Re: To: Wouter Re: qagh, Romulan Ale and ro'qegh'Iwchab -reply

< > < > Yes, but as it is not a group of friends (i.e. several are not known to
< > < > us) partying, it is not so good an idea to make it TOO alcoholic...
< > < Ha! Call yourself Klingons?? :)
< > I do, the rest don't :)
< Heheh, were they just in it for the party?
Or use the party as excuse to watch the episodes...

< > < > Nope, it's 2/3/1995 (stardate 05169.8). So you still have 2 days :)
< > < On my way?!?!
< > < How did you figure that it a standard method for the KLI
< > < Mailing List?
< > < If not, perhaps we should set a standard.
< > The first digit is the century (20-century = 0, 25-century=5).
< > The second digit is the season.
< > Rest is the part of the year (????th day/365 * 100).
< > The digit after the point is the part of the day (8/10 == approx 18.00)
< Yeah, I heard that the production team used a similae method. So thats how
< you got your dates beginning with 0. What about the season - we only have
< 5(?) and exactly 12 months so what do you use?
We just defined it as 5..

< > < Am I right in thinking that youre from Holland???
< > We prefer it as The Netherlands, but yes.
< Ok then, The Netherlands. Why do you prefer that?
It's like callling the UK Great Britain. Holland is a part of the
Netherlands but not the whole. (and not the most important to me either
[I do not live in Holland :)]).

< > < Hmm, I just seem to remember someone being from there.
< > < If you do live there, I thought you would be going all out, you know a real
< > < loud, rousy party.
< > < At least, thats the image we all get of Holland here.
< > Of course we can party here too, but this was more of a 'get together
< > and look StarTrek episodes'.
< So which was your favourite? Did you watch ALL the Klingon episodes?
< I like "A Matter of Honor", where Riker served on the klingon ship but I
< know there were loads of much better ones.
< Don't you think Gowron is great the way he keeps his eyes so open - he looks
< quite creepy for a Klingon.
I like all Klingon episodes, but we only played the best double
episodes (Unification and the like).


----8<----- CUT HERE -----8<---------8<------- FOR RECEIPT -----8<-----
This proves that I have NOT received ANY message from Wouter Slegers.   
Wouter Slegers, 3rd year CS, [email protected]||[email protected].
Disclaimer: If the above sounds plausible, reread it several times!
GCS 2.0: d-(++) H s+: !g au- a- w+ v+>+++ C++++++>++ UI+>+++ UL+>++++
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	 g+++ D+++ B---- e+>++ u- h>++ f+ r- n---(----) Y?

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