tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Mar 06 07:12:07 1995

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BG: E pluribus unum (again)

So'wI' chu'Ha'lu'
On Sun, 5 Mar 1995 19:50:47 -0500
Christopher Dicely <[email protected]> Responded:

>Agreed, but for a different reason.  This translates as:
>"One becomes many"
>Which is what is intended.

NO. What was intended was "the many become(s) one" as in "the many states
become one nation", but without refering to states, nations, governments.

chargwI' had the closest (IMHO) with: wa' qum mojchoH qum law'.

hmmm...., could I drop "qum" and keep "wa' mojchoH law'" ????
or do I need to replace "qum" with "qech", "Hol", "chut", etc., depending
on the topic??

I don't want to limit the phrase as one thing. I want it to be a "catch
all" phrase that when uttered can mean "the many ideas become one thought",
"the many individuals become one clan", etc., without reguard to some noun.

So'wI' chu'lu'ta'

      vay' yIHub Hoch 'ej Hoch tIHub vay'
                                          - DumaS
vIta'pu'be' !!!   tlhIngan ghaH *Bart Simpson*'e'
Steve Weaver       [email protected]

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