tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jun 07 13:22:35 1995

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Re: Re PetaQ

>Date: Wed, 7 Jun 1995 00:19:27 -0400
>Originator: [email protected]
>From: [email protected]

>Still not listening, yo' 'aj Lessem says:

>>I once again listened to my tape, and then I transferred it to my computer
>>and ran it through the sound programs we have hear at home. 


>> She says "be'taH" and not "petaQ". I have learned
>>to differ btween similar sounds in four different languages, one more posses
>>little problem for me. I therefore feel that it is still "betaH", "Negative
>>yo' 'aj Lessem

>qaHarlaHbe' jay'!  ju'IjlaHbe''a'?  pagh bIQIp'a' neH?   */betaH/ 'oHbe'bej!

>I don't care what you HEAR come out of the actor's mouths.  They are not
>really interested in the language in the same way we are.  They tend to flub
>things up, regularly and faithfully, and in fact have continuously rejected
>our offers of providing correct Klingon, gratis.  

I suppose it depends on what you're going to use as Klingon source
material.  Are you going to accept what the writers of DS9/Voyager/etc
choose to write when they feel like having gibberish?  In that case you're
going to have to accept "wIjjup" for "my friend" and heaven only knows what
else.  Are you going to rely on what *Okrand* says?  Then you can't accept
"be'taH", since they never asked Okrand for that, and he never gave it to
them (believe me, I know, he told me so.  In fact he found the idea of
"negative woman" about as silly as I do).

For the most part, on this list, we try to accept his view as correct and
not try to drive ourselves nuts deriving things from actor's


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