tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jun 06 21:15:12 1995

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Re: Re PetaQ

Still not listening, yo' 'aj Lessem says:

>I once again listened to my tape, and then I transferred it to my computer
>and ran it through the sound programs we have hear at home. 


> She says "be'taH" and not "petaQ". I have learned
>to differ btween similar sounds in four different languages, one more posses
>little problem for me. I therefore feel that it is still "betaH", "Negative
>yo' 'aj Lessem

qaHarlaHbe' jay'!  ju'IjlaHbe''a'?  pagh bIQIp'a' neH?   */betaH/ 'oHbe'bej!

I don't care what you HEAR come out of the actor's mouths.  They are not
really interested in the language in the same way we are.  They tend to flub
things up, regularly and faithfully, and in fact have continuously rejected
our offers of providing correct Klingon, gratis.  

Instead of trusting the poorly articulated pronunciation of a
less-than-interested actress who has (probably) never been coached on the
correct pronunciation of one of the harder Klingon phonemes, /Q/, instead of
assuming that all sounds of all languages are articulated with precise
clarity at all times, regardless of the stress of the syllable and the
phonological environment, and instead of assuming that some nonsense word
would have been made up to poorly fit this context instead of the word which
instead fits naturally, and which is closer to the correct word than much of
the rest of the garbage we hear come out of those actors' and actress'
mouths, why will you not listen to the seasoned, reasonably expert opinions
of the tlhInganpu' on this list?  

DaH jIjot'eghchoHmoHlaH.  rut nuQ nuvmey.


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