tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Apr 19 13:20:59 1995

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Re: Easter translation

> allelu'ya!  yInqa'ta' QrISt!
> yInqa'ta'qu' joH!  allelu'ya!

Minor quibble:  I usually consider transliterating into Klingon characters 
"bad form" unless you somehow mark the word so people don't try to look it up.

Medium quibble:  {joH'a'} probably comes closer to "Lord" with a capital "L".

Major quibble:  {allelu'ya} is definitely not pronounced the way "Alleluia" is.
That {ll} is pretty weird.  {QrISt} is not only redundant ({Q}->"KR"} but also 
incorrect.  {*QaySt} is how I'd write it, if I were to write it using "English"
sounds.  How is it pronounced in Latin - {QIySto}?  Or, better, in Greek?

-- ghunchu'wI'

(I really need to get e-mail access at home.  This process of copying the
 Klingon language messages to a floppy disk at work; reading, translating,
 and writing new messages and responses at home; carrying the disk back to
 work; and sending off a barrage of e-mail to the list -- it's a hassle for
 me, and it's probably annoying to you readers as well.  The time delay is
 a big problem over the weekend; by the time I respond to a note, you've
 all probably forgotten what the original was about.)

(And the fact that a network router here failed yesterday and ate a bunch of 
 messages isn't helping either.)

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