tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Apr 19 13:38:04 1995

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Re: Easter translation

On Wed, 19 Apr 1995 16:25:35 -0400, Alan Anderson <[email protected]> said:
>> allelu'ya!  yInqa'ta' QrISt!
>> yInqa'ta'qu' joH!  allelu'ya!

> Minor quibble:  I usually consider transliterating into Klingon
> characters "bad form" unless you somehow mark the word so people
> don't try to look it up.

Well, {QrISt} violates Klingon phonology twice (it has both an initial
and a final consonant cluster), so it's unlikely that anyone would try
to look it up.  But it should be marked as a proper name.

> Medium quibble:  {joH'a'} probably comes closer to "Lord" with a capital "L".

Yes, but there were no capital letters when the books of the Bible
were written.

> Major quibble:  {allelu'ya} is definitely not pronounced the way
> "Alleluia" is.

For one thing, it starts with a vowel, which is not kosher in either Klingon
or Hebrew.  And that glottal stop seems gratuitous.  ~mark, what's the exact
Hebrew form?

> That {ll} is pretty weird.

No, it's correct.

> How is it pronounced in Latin - {QIySto}?  Or, better, in Greek?

{QIStUS} and {QIStoS}, respectively, and it means `anointed one'.


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