tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jun 28 07:18:39 1994

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KSRP: Hamlet progress rep

   -=> Quoting Klingon Language List to Jennifer James <=-
   -=> on Stardate 06-18-94  10:38 <=-

jatlhpu' Nick:

 KLL> Now how do I put this while being discrete, and humble to boot? Come
 KLL> hell or high water, Hamlet is getting published this November.

Oooh, where in the USA will I be able to buy a copy?  (My husband is
a buyer at an independent bookstore so I may have a few more
resources than otherwise).  I'd *love* to read it & own a copy.

 KLL> we need to make sure the Klingon in the
 KLL> plays is kosher. Please  look at the texts --- they're being regularly
 KLL> updated in the ftp server; too regularly, I'm sure Matt would say ---
 KLL> and make any comments you feel like making.

I don't have ftp access until probably August, so I probably can't
help much.  (And not sure how much help I'd be anyway, since I'm 
just beginning to learn tlhIngan Hol!  <g>)  I'm going to look at 
them as soon as I can, though -- Hamlet is my favorite Shakespeare 
play, and I'm in the middle of re-reading it in English anyway.

Jennifer James

... Internet: [email protected]
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