tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat May 17 19:03:27 2008

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Re: Earthlings DVD (was qep'a')

Doq ([email protected])

This is very interesting. The speaker is obviously an accomplished  
Klingon speaker. This is not some Bozo yelling "ka-plaaaa!" like I  
usually see on You-Tube.

Meanwhile, I'll go line by line, how I heard it (D:), how ghunchu'wI'  
heard it (gh:), and how Hamlet said it (H:)

D: Dochchu' ghemwI'

gh: Dochchugh HemwI'

H: Dochchu' HemwI'

D: ruv memlu'

gh: ruv mImlu'

H: ruv mImlu'

D: tej ru' patlh

gh: qechrup patlh

H: tIchrup patlh

D: oy'moH muSHa'ghach

gh: 'oy'moH buSHa'ghach

H: 'oy'moH muSHa'ghach

D: 'Iv muSHa'lu'bogh

gh: 'Il buvHa'lu'bogh

H: 'Il vuvHa'lu'bogh

D: puvwI' qu' tuv

gh: quvwI'pu' tuv

H: quvwI'pu' tuv

D: quvHa'moH quvHa'wI'pu'

gh: quvHa'bogh quvHa'wI'pu'

H: quvHa'moH quvHa'wI'pu'

I believe ghunchu'wI' to be an extremely skilled Klingonist, and he  
knew the source of the text. Likely, he was in the movie. He probably  
even knows who was making this speech. Given those advantages, I feel  
pretty good that I did about as well as he did at guessing what was  
said, even though I couldn't understand it and couldn't figure out the  
boundaries of the phrases, since they don't quite tie together out of  
context into clear sentences. It is somewhat poetic and poetry is not  
my strength.

Going back and listening again, I can hear {Dochchu' HemwI'}, though I  
understand how I mistook it for {Dochchu' ghemwI'}. His {H} sound is  
somewhat softer than I expect. I also see how ghunchu'wI' mistook  
{Dochchu'} for {Dochchugh}, though that's not how I heard it.

{mImlu'} and {memlu'} are like "pin" and "pen". Dialects blur the line  
and the difference can be subtle. I'm a southerner, so it is harder  
for me. I've tried to differentiate more clearly than most, but my  
north-born wife accuses me of using one vowel sound smack dab between  
"i" and "e" when I say "pen" or "pin". This error of mine forces me to  
reevaluate my lack of progress on this point.

Then again, ghunchu'wI' and I both missed {tIchrup patlh} replacing  
the {I} with {e}, so maybe the speaker doesn't enunciate that vowel  
difference all that well. I thought it was {tejrup patlh}, while  
ghunchu'wI' thought it was {qechrup patlh}. I did get the opening  
consonant better, but they are similar sounds from different parts of  
the mouth. ghunchu'wI' got the closing consonant better. Like my  
mistaking {H} for {gh} in the first sentence, I again misperceived a  
voiced version of the consonant, mistaking a {ch} for a {j}.

Listening again, {tIch} definitely sounds more like {tech} or {tej}  
than it does like {tIch}.

ghunchu'wI' thought {muSHa'ghach} sounded like {buSHa'ghach}. He must  
be from morSqa', right?

I see how I interpreted an eliding {v} in {'Il vuvHa'lu'bogh}, turning  
it into {'Iv} and then basically hearing a mash of syllables that  
sounded a lot like the other {muSHa'lu'bogh}. I don't feel too horrid  
over this error.

I blew it on {quvwI'pu' tuv} thinking it was {puvwI'pu' tuv}.  
Listening again now, I hear that he said it perfectly.

At the end, ghunchu'wI' reveals his Morskan roots by again replacing a  
{m} with a {b}, and then making my sort of error interpreting a voiced  
{H}, changing it to {gh}.

I had no idea it was Hamlet.

Anyway, I'm glad I did as well as I did. Thanks, ghunchu'wI'. You've  
confirmed that my ear is not all that bad, despite the long time since  
I've heard Klingon spoken.


On May 16, 2008, at 5:34 PM, ghunchu'wI' wrote:

> On May 16, 2008, at 2:25 PM, Doq wrote:
>> Anyway, I'm surprised that nobody has posted this to You-Tube yet.
> YouTube limits clips to a very few minutes.  It doesn't accommodate
> longer videos.
>> I did find
>> [...]
>> It was really frustrating to hear what seemed like such well-
>> pronounced Klingon phonemes, yet to be so unable to make sense of
>> it...
>> Anyway, it's beautiful sounding, but I can't make sense of it. Does
>> someone else have a transcription that makes more sense?
> I know exactly where to find the text, but I'm going to do it "the
> hard way" and write down what I hear first:
>   Dochchugh HemwI' ruv mImlu'
>   qechrup patlh 'oy'moH buSHa'ghach 'Il buvHa'lu'bogh
>   quvwI'pu' tuv quvHa'bogh quvHa'wI'pu'
> "If a proud one is rude justice is delayed. Sincere ignorance which
> is misclassified hurts the status of a [qechrup]. The dishonored ones
> who dishonor the patient honored ones..."
> Now to go to the source:
>   Dochchu' HemwI'; ruv mImlu'; tIchrup patlh;
>   'oy'moH muSHa'ghach 'Il vuvHa'lu'bogh;
>   quvwI'pu' tuv quvHa'moH quvHa'wI'pu';
>   (Hamlet, lut 'ay' wej, lut 'ay'Hom wa')
> "The proud one is perfectly rude; justice is delayed; rank is ready
> to insult; sincere hatred which is respected causes pain; dishonored
> ones dishonor the patient honored ones."
> I was pretty close.
> (By the way, the next line is {qatlh Hochvam lajqang vay'} "Why would
> anyone accept all of this?")

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