tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu May 04 17:34:59 2006

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Re: Hamlet

Shane MiQogh ([email protected])

>Comparing a programming language to a language created for a media product 
>isn't the same thing. If the programer(s) who developed C++ or Basic or even 
>Fortran didn't want it available to be used by anyone writing computer 
>programs then what would be the point?
  I'm not talking about the language itself. I'm talking about a specific code, and yahoo has tried to do this to run xfire out of buisness and failed. They claimed to have copywrited/patented a specific code. Not the langauge the code was in, but the code itself... i do recall looking at the patent system and you can't copywrite programming code, i'm not sure about languages, though. Paramount copywriting klingon is like some japanese man comming to america and copywrites the usage of the japanese language... I don't think copywriting it is gonna do the language any justice... The so called "klingon translators" out there do a good job enough ruining the language. i'm surprised google hasn't been sued...
How low will we go? Check out Yahoo! Messenger?s low  PC-to-Phone call rates.

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