tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Jan 28 09:42:48 2006

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Re: (KLBC) How does one express feelings...?

Lieven Litaer ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol ghojwI']

> [...] about using Ebay, problem with that too...

What's the problem there? You know nobody who has got ebay access? Or is it
still a matter of money? We can certainly find a way for you to learn
klingon!  :-)
In the worst case you put a few greenbacks in an envelope and I send you a
copy of TKD.

> Like in french, instead of saying

I know, I speak it fluently. Do you learn french at school, or are you
living somewhere close to france?

> how to say a Klingon equivalent of "darn" or "crap" or "yay!" lol

You'll find out in TKD!

>   And i thought it was: p'taQ not petaQ...

In Klingon, the apostrophe is a consonant, just like {q} or {m}. Not as it
is in english or french by the way, where it's (it is) a replacement for
another letter.
And generally speaking (there are some exceptions) in Klingon most words are
made C-V-C, i.e. consonant-vowel-consonant. Just look at some random words:
Suv, bej, So', Qap, HIv
Some words look like they do not, but only because there are consonants that
we write using TWO letters: {ng} {gh} or three {tlh}
batlh has three letters: b-a-tlh
Qong has three letters: Q-o-ng

And all this to show that it cannot be *p'taQ*, since that starts with three

BUT... it could be that you have seen this somewhere anyway, because many
english transliterations for Klimgon names are done that way, very often
used in StarTrek books: K'Mpec, K'Tinga, T'Ong, P'tak

Hope this helps a litle.

Quvar 'utlh.

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